Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 13th April 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Doctor of the Church,lectures,Leo the Great,St Leo,hypostatic union,deity of christ,Pope Leo I,christology,sermon
...death and
sin which is what Easter is all about. So in short, these sermons cover the major points in the life of Jesus, which is quite fitting to close this series with.
Celebrating Christmas is to celebrate “the birthday of the Life, which destroys the fear of mortality and brings to us the joy of promised eternity”.
"There is for all one common measure of joy, because as our Lord the destroyer of
sin and death finds none free from charge, so is He come to free us all."
Through his birth, Jesus has “taken on him the nature of man, thereby to reconcile it to its Author” by defeating the devil and death (Gal 4:4).
And so it was, “the Word of God,...