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Lent: Day 16 - Justin Martyr: First Apology, Chaps. 48-59

Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 18th March 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Justin Martyr,apologetics
Day Sixteen: St. Justin Martyr: First Apology, Chaps. 48-59 Who: Justin Martyr was a Philosopher who converted to Christianity and became a tireless evangelist and apologist. Justin wrote more Christianity than any other person prior to his time. He is classified herein as Eastern, since he a native of Samaria and his thought patterns were Eastern. However, he spent the last years of his life in Rome, where he was executed as a martyr (c. 165). What: An apologetic (defence) essay to explain what Christians believe and do. Why: Justin is demanding the Emperor to investigate accusations and unjust persecution against Christians so that they at least may face...

Lent Day 18: Cyprian: On the Unity of the Church: 1-9

Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 21st March 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Cyprian,Bishop of Carthage,unity
...onsidered sin and blasphemy by the Church, though many felt regret and wanted to be forgiven and restored. “But how can a man say that he believes in Christ, who does not do what Christ commanded him to do?” Cyprian argues, since the faith of many had become weak. It is not “persecution alone that is to be feared”, Cyprian writes, since “caution is more easy where danger is manifest” but to be all the more vigilant in times of peace because the enemy “creeps on us secretly” in sneaky ways, which is why he has earned the name “Serpent”. Novatian rose up as an “antipope” (someone who rejected the people's choice of pope) and caused a s...

Lent Day 30: Cyril of Jerusalem: Catechetical Lectures: Lecture XIX

Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 4th April 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Doctor of the Church,lectures,liturgy,catechism,Bishop of Jerusalem
...sed under sin. “Now turn from the old to the new, from the figure to the reality” The old, in Moses, prefigured the new, in Christ, who is the reality we now live in. The enemy of old in the person of Pharaoh, chased the Hebrews to the sea, and even through it, but was engulfed when it closed in around him now prefigures what happens in baptism: The tyrant of old was drowned in the sea; and this present one disappears in the water of salvation. Personally, I really like that analogy and I’ve never heard it put that way before. The phrases which the converts have to recite remind me of the liturgy which you have to say during a Christening. That in...

Lent Day 38: Leo the Great: Sermon XXI (On the Nativity Feast I)

Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 13th April 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Doctor of the Church,lectures,Leo the Great,St Leo,hypostatic union,deity of christ,Pope Leo I,christology,sermon
...death and sin which is what Easter is all about. So in short, these sermons cover the major points in the life of Jesus, which is quite fitting to close this series with. Celebrating Christmas is to celebrate “the birthday of the Life, which destroys the fear of mortality and brings to us the joy of promised eternity”. "There is for all one common measure of joy, because as our Lord the destroyer of sin and death finds none free from charge, so is He come to free us all." Through his birth, Jesus has “taken on him the nature of man, thereby to reconcile it to its Author” by defeating the devil and death (Gal 4:4). And so it was, “the Word of God,...

Is fasting an expectation for Christians?

Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 29th February 2020 in Fasting | fasting,Lent,Ash Wednesday,self control,self denial
...The season of Lent is here once again which of course brings up the topic of fasting, since the tradition of Lent comes from following Jesus’ example of his time in the wilderness (Luke 4:1–2). I wasn’t planning on writing anything specific this year like I have previous in previous years, but I felt inspired today at church from one of Gospel readings: Matthew 9:14–15 Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “The wedding guests cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? The days will come when the bridegroom is t...

Understanding the Ultimate Ransom

Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 22nd June 2024 in Salvation | redemption,ransom,salvation,Psalms,prosperity gospel
...I recently made a video doing a response to something the televangelist “prosperity gospel” preacher Jesse Duplantis said in one of his recent videos. He was using Psalm 49:16 as a proof-text to say it’s ok that he is super wealthy, but clearly missing the context of the whole Psalm as it is speaking against those who boast and trust in their riches! Here’s the video if you want to watch it, it’s only 1:57 long (don’t forget to subscribe to me on YouTube or TikTok as that’s where I’m posting a lot more of my content recently):   But this did get me thinking about something to do with what Jesus said in his ministry and how his sacrifice ful...
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