Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 14th April 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Doctor of the Church,lectures,Leo the Great,St Leo,Pope Leo I,sermon,almsgiving
Day Thirty-nine: St. Leo
the Great: Sermon XLIX (On Lent XI)
Who: Leo
the Great, also known as Pope St. Leo I (
the Great), was Pope from 440-61 AD. Place and date
of birth unknown; died 10 November, 461. Leo's pontificate, next to that
of St. Gregory I, is
the most significant and important in Christian antiquity, as he tried to combat
the heresies which seriously threatened church unity even in
the West, such as Pelagianism.
What: A sermon on
the season
of Lent as
the Easter festival approached.
Why: To encourage
the Church to fast during this season in order than
they may put away temptations and overcome
their vices, to be guided by God in all things.