Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 1st April 2017 in Lent | Lent,great lent,fasting,early church fathers,devotional,daily reading,Athanasius,Bishop of Alexandria,Confessor,Doctor of the Church,Anthony the Great,miracles,Greek Philosophy,demons,healing,deliverance,the cross,foolishness of the cross
Day Twenty-eight: St. Athanasius: Life
of Anthony: Chaps. 71-80
Who: Bishop
of Alexandria; Confessor and Doctor
of the Church; born c. 296; died 2 May, 373 AD. He was
the main defender
of orthodoxy in
the 4th-century battle against
the Arianism heresy. Certain writers received
the title “Doctor” on account
of the great advantage
their doctrine had on
the whole Church, Athanasius especially for his doctrine on
the incarnation.
the biography
of Anthony
the Great’s life, which helped to spread
the concept
of Christian monasticism, particularly in Western Europe.
Why: From
the letter’s own prologue: “
the life and conversation
of our holy Fa