Posted by Luke J. Wilson on 19th December 2016 in Christmas | christmas,xmas,nativity,book,David H. Petersen,author,God With Us,Immanuel,Bethlehem,house of bread,bread of life
I had been thinking about what to write this coming Christmas time, when I came a
cross this quote
the o
ther day. I thought it sufficient enough, ra
ther than go into a long
theological treatise! So without fur
ther ado, here is a quote/excerpt by David H. Petersen, author
of God With Us:
the Savior is born unto you in Bethlehem,
the house
of bread, on earth. It is no coincidence that He lacked a crib and was placed instead into a feeding trough. He was born unto you to be bread: bread for beasts, bread for wolves, and bread for sheep. He comes in His body to feed you into life, to slake your thirst, to satisfy your soul. He is put into a manger, not only b...