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Blog Category: Abortion (1 posts)

Luke J. Wilson | 01st July 2022 | Current Events
It’s no secret that the majority of Christians are against abortion, no matter where you look in the world. But nowhere has the issue come to more of a head than in the US recently with the overturning of Roe v Wade, which had made abortion legal across the country. Now abortion is no longer a federal constitutional right, but individual states now have the authority to determine the legality and rulings around abortion. Christian opposition to abortion in America has always been a heated topic, especially in recent decades, but this isn’t a novelty within the Church in America, or globally, and has been a position of the faithful for about 2000 years. Even before Christianity, Judaism was opposed to abortion and infanticide, until about the 18th century when modernism greatly influenced religious thinking, and abortion became more acceptable in their view. I’ve had people say to me “why can’t Christians be as progressive as the Jews?” in regards to views on abortion. Being “progressive” is all well and good, but it assumes we’re all intrinsically progressing towards something good or right. I don’t think that disregarding the value of life, and especially that of unborn children is necessarily progressing in the right direction. It baffles me that people think we are taking a step backwards by desiring to preserve the sanctity of life by viewing abortion as a moral issue, not a religious one. Humans as icons of God First and foremost, Christians have always held high respect for life and creation, a worldview inherited from Judaism. This is rooted in creation in Genesis where God has made humans in his image, and how we are called to be image-bearers of God; representatives of Him on Earth. But this “imaging” comes with the responsibility of preserving life as something precious, hence why unlawful killing was taken so seriously. We get a glimpse at how seriously God takes this very early on in Genesis 9:5–6, For your own lifeblood I ...

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